
My main research interest is the interaction between international capital flows and domestic political economy. My previous research has mainly focused on the determinants of trade agreement formation, on the political interests that shape such agreements.


The most important product of this research program is my first book. See my CV for a complete list of publications.

Investing in Protection

Book: “Investing in Protection: The Politics of Preferential Trade Agreements between North and South.”
2009: Cambridge University Press.

Order from by clicking on the cover image or directly from Cambridge University Press (UK).

Reviewed in Perspectives on Politics, Review of International Organizations, Pacific Affairs and Revista de Economía Institucional.

Additional Material for published articles

Replication data and code for all articles are available at my Harvard IQSS Dataverse.

Web Appendix for Manger, Mark S. Vertical Trade Specialization and the Formation of North-South PTAs. World Politics 64, no. 4 (2012): 622-658.

Web Appendix for Manger, Mark S., Mark A. Pickup, and Tom A. B. Snijders. A Hierarchy of Preferences: A Longitudinal Network Analysis Approach to PTA Formation. Journal of Conflict Resolution 56, no. 5 (2012): 852-878.

Web Appendix for Manger, Mark S., Shadlen, Kenneth C., 2014. Political Trade Dependence and North-South Trade Agreements. International Studies Quarterly 58, 79-91. doi:10.1111/isqu.12048

Web appendix for Manger, Mark S., 2014. The Economic Logic of Asian PTAs: the Role of Intra-Industry Trade. Journal of East Asian Studies 14, 151-184.

Web appendix for Kim, Soo Yeon and Manger, Mark S., 2016. Hubs of Governance: Path-Dependence and Higher-order Effects of PTA formation. Political Science Research and Methods (PSRM)..